Responsibiltiy - Kawenga 

Biogen New Zealand Grants and Giving

Tahua & Tākoha

With a commitment to a global grants and giving strategy, Biogen aims to accelerate scientific innovation, address unmet patient needs, and advance medical and disease education through a variety of programs and initiatives.

A grant is a financial contribution provided to an eligible organisation to support a specific, time-limited project or program with identified objectives, without tangible benefit to Biogen in return.

Outlined below is information related to Biogen Grants Program.

Grant Funding Types
  • Medical Education - Funding to an eligible institution or organisation to support independent medical educational activities for health care professionals and researchers. Medical education may be accredited or non-accredited.
  • Patient Education - Funding to an eligible institution or organisation to support educational activities for patients or caregivers. These programs must be non-promotional.
  • Fellowships – Funding for training programs created by medical schools, academic medical centers, teaching hospitals, or other healthcare-related organisations to support faculty and visiting scholars to advance their educational and research activities.
  • General Grant - Funding to support a program or project that does not fit any of the other defined grant categories.

Funding for travel expenses to support HCP attendance at congresses or other education programs is not provided via the Biogen Grants Program.

Grant Application Requirements and Organisation Eligibility
  • Grant request must be unsolicited
  • Grant request must not provide tangible benefit to Biogen
  • Funding is permitted only to legally established organisations; a grant cannot be provided to individuals
  • Requesting organisation must be registered for more than two years
  • Grant request must be submitted for a future project or program
  • Funding amount requested must reflect a real and fair market value for the proposed activities
  • Funding from other pharmaceutical/biotechnology companies in addition to Biogen is preferred (e.g. multiple sources of funding)
  • Requesting organisation must confirm receipt of payment and verify how funds were used for all previous Biogen supported activities.

The requesting organisation and grant request must be in full compliance with all regional and local codes, laws and industry regulations, including, but not limited to anti-corruption, transparency and privacy laws and regulations.

Biogen must not provide any substantive input or assistance to a requesting organisation in drafting or submitting a grant request.

Biogen reserves the right to deny any grant request that does not meet application and eligibility requirements.

Biogen may modify the grant application and eligibility requirements of the Grants Program at any time.

Additional Information

Please visit Biogen’s Global Grants and Giving website for more information including:

  • Biogen’s Areas of Interest
  • Application Submission and Decision Cycle
  • Grant Requirements and Criteria
  • Applicant Resources
How to Apply

Click here to access the Biogen Grants and Giving portal. Log into the portal with an existing account or create an account by choosing “New User?”.

Please note that all submission of grant requests must be in English.

For additional support, please email
